Crystal Healing
Crystals can help you realign and recalibrate your energy. Through their powerful vibrations, crystals act as tools to raise your vibrational frequency. They hold a transformational energy that empowers you on your journey.
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Lemurian Crystal History
Lemurian Seed Crystal, or Lemurian Quartz, are stones of special power. They were found around the turn of the millenium and was said to have been specifically programmed with vast knowledge, and buried by the Lemurians themselves.
Lemuria is believed to have been an island that once existed somewhere in the Pacific Ocean. Similar to Atlantis, its people are believed to have been possessing vast amounts of ancient technology and knowledge that far surpasses what we have understanding of today. The island is said to have been swallowed up by the sea and completely destroyed. Before that disaster happened, it is believed that a very small group of people were able to escape the island just in time and take their crystals full of knowledge with them. It is said that once they hit land, they quickly buried these powerful tools due to fear of them falling into the wrong hands. History soon took its course and these crystals were lost for a very long time up until recently.
This crystal comes from an ancient civilization that existed millions of years ago named the Lemurians. They were believed to have been peaceful people that understood mother nature and all the creatures within it. The Lemurians programed these crystals with their spiritual knowledge and energy, then scattering them around the world to be found when needed.
The Lemurian seed crystals are meant to give us a sense of unity, reminding us that we are all one consciousness. We are all beings of divine love no matter if we are good or bad, and what happens to one affects us all. This is a reassurance to show us that we’re all connected in one way or another. Lemurian Seed Crystals help with loneliness, reminding us that we are always connected to others and are all equal in spirit.
Meditate with the Lemurian Seed Crystal by holding it to your third eye chakra, letting your spirit awaken, and begin to see a deeper understanding of life. The crystal shows us that we are all in tune with nature energy and others, fusing our subconscious mind with the rest of humanity, and understanding we will never be alone no matter what situation arises.The more the Lemurian Seed Crystal is used the more powerful it will become. Allow the crystal to learn from you as you learn from it.
Lemurian Seed Crystals need never to be cleansed because of the information that is already infused into them by the Lemurians. These crystals are similar to a data bank that is meant to hold information to be passed down to others, never to be lost on the way. By tapping into the power of the Lemurian Seed, a person can attain spiritual wisdom from past lives and past civilization. The ancient Lemurians were very spiritual people and wanted to share their knowledge with others.
Source: The Crystal Council
Experiencing the Vibration
As with all other matter, crystals have their own vibration. The human body also has its own vibration and is subject to entrainment when it comes in contact with other vibrations. So, when you work with crystals, they can change your own body, mind, and spirit energies through entrainment; the crystal’s vibration may change a little, as well. Because crystals generally have higher vibrations than the human body, they tend to raise your vibration. Vibrating at a higher rate is helpful for humans because it allows us to advance spiritually and move in more positive directions mentally, physically, and emotionally.
Body. Mind. Spirit.
Your body is the physical aspect of you. Crystals can help balance bodily energies and bring about physical changes. These might include things such as relieving headaches, low energy and exhaustion, and similar bodily ailments.
Your mind is both physical (brain and nervous system) and nonphysical (emotions, dreams, thoughts, etc.). The vibration in crystals can help balance energies of the mind to bring about healing. Conditions that can be eased might include stress, emotional issues, insomnia, nightmares, anxiety, depression, grief, and lack of enthusiasm.
Your spirit is the part of you that is purely nonphysical. Crystals can assist in balancing spiritual energies such as beliefs, unconditional love, forgiveness, and compassion. They can also facilitate communication with your higher self/soul or a higher power.
Frazier, Karen. Crystals for Beginners: The Guide to Get Started with the Healing Power of Crystals (pp. 54-55). Althea Press.
Chakras and Crystals
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